July 30, 2019
IMPORTANT UPDATE: Please note that as the City is continuing its response to the current COVID-19 health crisis, it is important to keep members of the public, our Planning Commission, and staff as safe as possible. For that reason, this meeting will be conducted as a remote video conference meeting. We will continue to update you as needed.
You may join by computer or smartphone at:
Meeting number: 129 572 0155 Event password: Planning
You may join by telephone at: +1-408-418-9388 Access code: 129 572 0155
If you are unable to participate, you may submit written testimony to eric.tiso@baltimorecity.gov not later than 10am on July 30, 2020.
1:00 PM
2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – July 9, 2020
** NO ITEMS **
The Commission may receive legal advice from the City Law Department on the decision of the Circuit Court in Petition of the Council of Unit Owners of the Millrace Condominium, et al., Case No. 24-C-19-006602, the decision’s possible impact on the Commission’s recent decision with regard to the Tractor Building, and the general process for making findings of fact and conclusions of law. The Commission may vote to close the session to receive such advice under the Open Meetings Act.
This agenda was prepared on the assumption that all necessary materials have been made available in suggestion time for consideration by the Planning Commission at this meeting. This agenda was prepared on the assumption that all necessary materials have been made available in suggestion time for consideration by the Planning Commission at this meeting. There are occasionally changes in this agenda when relevant materials have not been delivered to the Department of Planning on schedule.
For any item marked (**), please call the Department of Planning at 410-396-8358 for the most current information. The meeting will be held by video conference only, with the connection and dial-in instructions at the top of this agenda.