April 17

1:30 PM



For the purpose of reauthorizing and extending for a certain period the property tax credit for newly constructed dwellings; and generally relating to a property tax credit for newly constructed dwellings. (Citywide)

5. CITY COUNCIL BILL #14-0347/ URBAN RENEWAL - WASHINGTON VILLAGE - AMENDMENT (Councilmember – Edward Reisinger)
For the purpose of amending the Urban Renewal Plan for Washington Village to modify the responsibilities of the Commercial District Review Panel and to amend certain exhibits to reflect the change of zoning, upon approval by separate ordinance, for the property known as 859 Washington Boulevard; waiving certain content and procedural requirements; making the provisions of this Ordinance severable; providing for the application of this Ordinance in conjunction with certain other ordinances; and providing for a special effective date. (Tenth District)

CITY COUNCIL BILL #14-0348/ REZONING - 859 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD(Councilmember – Edward Reisinger)
For the purpose of changing the zoning for the property known as 859 Washington Boulevard , as outlined in red on the accompanying plat, from the R-8 Zoning District to the B-2-3 Zoning District. (Tenth District)





8. CITY COUNCIL BILL #14-0337/BOND ISSUE - NATIONAL AQUARIUM AT BALTIMORE LOAN - $800,000 (City Council President - Administration)
For the purpose of authorizing the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore (pursuant to Resolution IV of 2014 approved by the members of the Maryland General Assembly representing Baltimore City) to create a debt, and to issue and sell its certificates of indebtedness as evidence thereof, and proceeds not exceeding $800,000 from the sale of such certificates to be used for the cost of issuance, including the expense of engraving, printing, advertising, attorneys' fees, and all other incidental expenses connected therewith, and the remainder of such proceeds to be used for the National Aquarium at Baltimore, including but not limited to, the acquisition by purchase, lease, condemnation or any other legal means, of land or property, or any rights therein, in the City of Baltimore, and constructing and erecting on said land or property, or on any land or property, new buildings, structures and other auxiliary facilities, and for the renovation, alteration, construction, reconstruction, installation, improvement and repair of existing buildings, structures or facilities to be or now being used for or in connection with the operations, functions, and activities of the National Aquarium at Baltimore; and for equipment for any and all facilities authorized to be constructed, renovated, altered or improved by the provisions hereof; the payment of any and all costs and expenses incurred for or in connection with doing any or all of the things herein mentioned, including, but not limited to the costs and expenses of securing administrative, appraisal, economic analysis, engineering, planning, designing, architectural, surveying, and other professional services; and for doing any and all things necessary, proper or expedient in connection with or pertaining to any or all of the matters or things hereinbefore mentioned; authorizing the issuance of refunding bonds; conferring and imposing upon the Board of Finance of Baltimore City certain powers and duties; authorizing the submission of this Ordinance to the legal voters of the City of Baltimore, for their approval or disapproval, at the General Election to be held in Baltimore City on Tuesday, the 4th day of November, 2014; and providing for the expenditure of the proceeds of sale of said certificates of indebtedness in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, and by the municipal agency designated in the annual Ordinance of Estimates of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore. (Citywide)

9. CITY COUNCIL BILL #14-0338/ BOND ISSUE - WALTERS ART MUSEUM LOAN - $400,000 (City Council President - Administration)
For the purpose of authorizing the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore (pursuant to Resolution VI of 2014 approved by the members of the Maryland General Assembly representing Baltimore City) to create a debt, and to issue and sell its certificates of indebtedness as evidence thereof, and proceeds not exceeding $400,000 from the sale of such certificates to be used for the cost of issuance, including the expense of engraving, printing, advertising, attorneys' fees, and all other incidental expenses connected therewith, and the remainder of such proceeds shall be used for the Walters Art Museum, including but not limited to, the acquisition by purchase, lease, condemnation or any other legal means, of land or property, or any rights therein, in the City of Baltimore, and constructing and erecting on said land or property, or on any land or property, new buildings, structures, and other auxiliary facilities; and for the renovation, alteration, construction, reconstruction, installation, improvement and repair of existing buildings, structures or facilities, to be or now being used for or in connection with the operations, functions, and activities of the Walters Art Museum; and for equipment for any and all facilities authorized to be constructed, renovated, altered or improved by the provisions hereof; the payment of any and all costs and expenses incurred for or in connection with doing any or all of the things herein mentioned, including but not limited to the costs and expenses of securing administrative, appraisal, economic analysis, engineering, planning, designing, architectural, surveying and other professional services; and for doing any and all things necessary, proper or expedient in connection with or pertaining to any or all of the matters or things hereinbefore mentioned; authorizing the issuance of refunding bonds; conferring and imposing upon the Board of Finance of Baltimore City certain powers and duties; authorizing the submission of this Ordinance to the legal voters of the City of Baltimore, for their approval or disapproval, at the General Election to be held in Baltimore City on Tuesday, the 4th day of November, 2014; and providing for the expenditure of the proceeds of sale of said certificates of indebtedness in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, and by the municipal agency designated in the annual Ordinance of Estimates of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore. (Citywide)

10. CITY COUNCIL BILL #14-0339/BOND ISSUE - SCHOOL LOAN - $34,000,000 (City Council President - Administration)
For the purpose of authorizing the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore (pursuant to Resolution I of 2014 approved by the members of the Maryland General Assembly representing Baltimore City) to create a debt, and to issue and sell, at any time or from time to time and in one or more series its certificates of indebtedness as evidence thereof, and proceeds not exceeding $34,000,000 from the sale of such certificates of indebtedness to be used for the cost of issuance, including the expense of engraving, printing, advertising, attorneys’ fees, and all other incidental expenses connected therewith, and the remainder of such proceeds shall be used for the acquisition, by purchase, lease, condemnation or any other legal means, of land or property, or any rights therein, in the City of Baltimore, and demolishing, constructing and erecting on said land or property, or on any land or property now or hereafter owned by the Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners and/or the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, new school buildings, athletic and other auxiliary facilities including community health and recreation facilities, and for additions and improvements to, or the modernization or reconstruction of, including the inspection, removal, encapsulation, management, containment and abatement of asbestos from existing school buildings or facilities, and for equipment for any and all new or existing facilities authorized to be constructed, erected, added to, improved, modernized or reconstructed by the provisions hereof; the payment of any and all costs and expenses incurred for or in connection with doing any or all of the things herein mentioned, including, but not limited to, the costs and expenses of securing administrative, appraisal, economic analysis, engineering, planning, designing, architectural, surveying, and other professional services, including, without limitation, services relating to planning for future projects of the same general character which may be constructed out of future loans; and for or in connection with or pertaining to any or all of the matters or things hereinbefore mentioned; authorizing the issuance of refunding bonds; conferring certain powers upon the Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners; imposing certain conditions in connection with the expenditure of the proceeds derived from the sale of said certificates of indebtedness; conferring and imposing upon the Board of Finance of Baltimore City certain powers and duties; authorizing the submission of this Ordinance to the legal voters of the City of Baltimore, for their approval or disapproval, at the Election to be held on Tuesday, the 4th day of November, 2014, and providing for the expenditure of the proceeds of sale of said certificates of indebtedness in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, and by the municipal agency designated in the annual Ordinance of Estimates of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore. (Citywide)

11. CITY COUNCIL BILL #14-0340/ BOND ISSUE - BALTIMORE MUSEUM OF ART LOAN - $400,000 (City Council President - Administration)
For the purpose of authorizing the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore (pursuant to Resolution V of 2014 approved by the members of the Maryland General Assembly representing Baltimore City) to create a debt, and to issue and sell its certificates of indebtedness as evidence thereof, and proceeds not exceeding $400,000 from the sale of such certificates to be used for the cost of issuance, including the expense of engraving, printing, advertising, attorneys' fees, and all other incidental expenses connected therewith, and the remainder of such proceeds shall be used for the Baltimore Museum of Art, including but not limited to, the acquisition by purchase, lease, condemnation or any other legal means, of land or property, or any rights therein, in the City of Baltimore, and constructing and erecting on said land or property, or on any land or property, new buildings, structures and other auxiliary facilities; and for the renovation, alteration, construction, reconstruction, installation, improvement and repair of existing buildings, structures or facilities, to be or now being used for or in connection with the operations, functions, and activities of the Baltimore Museum of Art; and for equipment for any and all facilities authorized to be constructed, renovated, altered or improved by the provisions hereof; the payment of any and all costs and expenses incurred for or in connection with doing any or all of the things herein mentioned, including but not limited to the costs and expenses of securing administrative, appraisal, economic analysis, engineering, planning, designing, architectural, surveying and other professional services; and for doing any and all things necessary, proper or expedient in connection with or pertaining to any or all of the matters or things hereinbefore mentioned; authorizing the issuance of refunding bonds; conferring and imposing upon the Board of Finance of Baltimore City certain powers and duties; authorizing the submission of this Ordinance to the legal voters of the City of Baltimore, for their approval or disapproval, at the General Election to be held in Baltimore City on Tuesday, the 4th day of November, 2014; and providing for the expenditure of the proceeds of sale of said certificates of indebtedness in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, and by the municipal agency designated in the annual Ordinance of Estimates of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore. (Citywide)

12. CITY COUNCIL BILL #14-0341/ BOND ISSUE - PORT DISCOVERY CHILDREN’S MUSEUM LOAN - $400,000 (City Council President - Administration)
For the purpose of authorizing the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore (pursuant to Resolution VII of 2014 approved by the members of the Maryland General Assembly representing Baltimore City) to create a debt, and to issue and sell its certificates of indebtedness as evidence thereof, and proceeds not exceeding $400,000 from the sale of such certificates to be used for the cost of issuance, including the expense of engraving, printing, advertising, attorneys' fees, and all other incidental expenses connected therewith, and the remainder of such proceeds shall be used for the Port Discovery Children’s Museum, including but not limited to, the acquisition by purchase, lease, condemnation, or any other legal means, of land or property, or any rights therein, in the City of Baltimore, and constructing and erecting on said land or property, or on any land or property, new buildings, structures and other auxiliary facilities; and for the renovation, alternation, construction, reconstruction, installation, improvement and repair of existing buildings, structures or facilities, to be or now being used for or in connection with the operations, functions, and activities of the Port Discovery Children’s Museum; and for equipment for any and all facilities authorized to be constructed, renovated, altered or improved by the provisions hereof; the payment of any and all costs and expenses incurred for or in connection with doing any or all of the things herein mentioned, including but not limited to the costs and expenses of securing administrative, appraisal, economic analysis, engineering, planning, designing, architectural, surveying, and other professional services; and for doing any and all things necessary, proper or expedient in connection with or pertaining to any or all of the matters or things hereinbefore mentioned; authorizing the issuance of refunding bonds; conferring and imposing upon the Board of Finance of Baltimore City certain powers and duties; authorizing the submission of this Ordinance to the legal voters of the City of Baltimore, for their approval or disapproval, at the General Election to be held in Baltimore City on Tuesday, the 4th day of November, 2014; and providing for the expenditure of the proceeds of sale of said certificates of indebtedness in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, and by the municipal agency designated in the annual Ordinance of Estimates of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore. (Citywide)

13. CITY COUNCIL BILL #14-0342/ BOND ISSUE - RECREATION, PARKS AND PUBLIC FACILITIES LOAN - $47,000,000 (City Council President - Administration)
For the purpose of authorizing the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore (pursuant to Resolution II of 2014 approved by the members of the Maryland General Assembly representing Baltimore City) to create a debt, and to issue and sell its certificates of indebtedness as evidence thereof, and proceeds not exceeding $47,000,000 from the sale of such certificates of indebtedness to be used for the cost of issuance, including the expense of engraving, printing, advertising, attorneys’ fees, and all other incidental expenses connected therewith, and the remainder of such proceeds shall be used for the development of the buildings owned or controlled by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, the Enoch Pratt Free Library, public park and recreational land, property, buildings, structures or facilities; for the acquisition and installation of trees for tree planting programs, including but not limited to, the acquisition by purchase, lease, condemnation or any other legal means, of land or property, or any rights therein, in the City of Baltimore, and constructing and erecting on said land or property, or on any land or property, new buildings, structures, and auxiliary facilities; and for the renovation, alteration, construction, reconstruction, installation, improvement and repair of existing buildings, structures or facilities, to be or now being used for or in connection with the operations, functions and activities of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore and the Enoch Pratt Free Library, public park and recreational land, the demolition, removal, relocation, renovation or alteration of land, buildings, streets, highways, alleys, utilities or services, and other structures or improvements, and for the construction, reconstruction, installation, relocation or repair of buildings, streets, highways, alleys, utilities or services, and other structures or improvements; for the acquisition of trees or tree planting programs and for equipment and fixtures for any and all facilities authorized to be constructed, erected, altered, reconstructed, renovated, reconstructed, installed or improved by the provisions hereof; the payment of any and all costs and expenses incurred for or in connection with doing any or all of the things herein mentioned, including but not limited to, the costs and expenses of securing administrative, appraisal, economic analysis, engineering, planning, designing, architectural, surveying and other professional services; and for doing any and all things necessary, proper or expedient in connection with or pertaining to any or all of the matters or things hereinbefore mentioned; authorizing the issuance of refunding bonds; conferring and imposing upon the Board of Finance of Baltimore City certain powers and duties; authorizing the submission of this Ordinance to the legal voters of the City of Baltimore, for their approval or disapproval, at the General Election to be held in Baltimore City on Tuesday, the 4th day of November, 2014; and providing for the expenditure of the proceeds of sale of said certificates of indebtedness in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, and by the municipal agency designated in the annual Ordinance of Estimates of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore. (Citywide)

14. CITY COUNCIL BILL #14-0343/ BOND ISSUE - COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT LOAN - $47,000,000 (City Council President - Administration)
For the purpose of authorizing the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore (pursuant to Resolution III of 2014 approved by the members of the Maryland General Assembly representing Baltimore City) to create a debt, and to issue and sell its certificates of indebtedness as evidence thereof, and proceeds not exceeding $47,000,000 from the sale of such certificates of indebtedness to be used for the cost of issuance, including the expense of engraving, printing, advertising, attorneys' fees, and all other incidental expenses connected therewith, and the remainder of such proceeds to be used for or in connection with planning, developing, executing, and making operative the community, commercial and industrial economic development programs of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, including, but not limited to, the acquisition, by purchase, lease, condemnation or any other legal means, of land or property, or any right, interest, franchise, easement or privilege therein, in the City of Baltimore; the payment of any and all costs and expenses incurred in connection with or incidental to the acquisition and management of said land or property, including any and all rights or interests therein hereinbefore mentioned; the payment of any and all costs and expenses incurred for or in connection with relocating and moving persons or other legal entities displaced by the acquisition of said land or property, or any of the rights or interests therein hereinbefore mentioned; the development, or redevelopment, including, but not limited to, the comprehensive renovation or rehabilitation of any land or property, or any rights or interests therein hereinbefore mentioned, in the City of Baltimore, and the disposition of land and property for such purposes; the elimination of unhealthful, unsanitary, or unsafe conditions, lessening density, eliminating obsolete or other uses detrimental to the public welfare or otherwise removing or preventing the spread of blight or deterioration in the City of Baltimore and the creation of healthy, sanitary, and safe, and green conditions in the City of Baltimore; the demolition, removal, relocation, renovation or alteration of land, buildings, streets, highways, alleys, utilities or services, and other structures or improvements, and for the construction and reconstruction, installation, relocation or repair of buildings, streets, highways, alleys, utilities or services, and other structures or improvements; the payment of any and all costs and expenses incurred for or in connection with doing any or all of the things herein mentioned, including, but not limited to, the costs and expenses of securing administrative, appraisal, economic analysis, engineering, planning, designing, architectural, surveying, and other professional services; the lending or granting of funds to any person or other legal entity to be used for or in connection with the rehabilitation, renovation, redevelopment, improvement or construction of buildings and structures located within the boundaries of Baltimore City, which buildings or structures are to be used or occupied for residential or commercial purposes; making loans and grants to various projects and programs related to improving the cultural life and promotion of tourism in Baltimore City, including but not limited to the Bromo Arts Tower Facade Restoration, the Shot Tower, Carroll Mansion, Peale Museum, Lyric Foundation, Inc., The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore, Center Stage Associates, Inc., Chesapeake Shakespeare Company, Baltimore Heritage Area, Maryland Science Center, American Visionary Arts Museum, Creative Alliance and B&O Railroad Museum; and doing any and all things necessary, proper or expedient in connection with or pertaining to any or all of the matters or things hereinbefore mentioned; all such land or property shall be acquired, developed, redeveloped, renovated, rehabilitated, altered, improved, held or disposed of, as provided by law; authorizing the issuance of refunding bonds; conferring and imposing upon the Board of Finance of Baltimore City certain powers and duties; authorizing the submission of this Ordinance to the legal voters of the City of Baltimore, for their approval or disapproval, at the General Election to be held in Baltimore City, on Tuesday, the 4th day of November, 2014; and providing for the expenditure of the proceeds of sale of said certificates of indebtedness in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, and by the municipal agency designated in the annual Ordinance of Estimates of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore. (Citywide)


This agenda was prepared on the assumption that all necessary materials have been made available in sufficient time for consideration by the Commission at this meeting. There are occasionally changes in this agenda when relevant materials have not been delivered to the Department on schedule. For any item marked (**), please call the Department at 410-396-4488 for most current information.

The meeting will be held in the Phoebe B. Stanton Boardroom of the Department of Planning, located on the 8th floor of 417 East Fayette Street.

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